A New (Free) Video Information Service from CIMI Corp!

Many of you know that we’ve done surveys of enterprises for thirty years now, and surveys of network operators for more than twenty.  In that time, we’ve seen a disturbing trend, a loss of strategic information readily available to early-stage planners to guide them in adopting new technology paradigms.  They used to get this from the media and from vendors, but somehow in this age of information we seem to have lost touch with the task of informing real people about their real problems.

We want to give you advance notice of our launching of a new information service, one designed to supplement our current outreach initiatives like our blogs and our technology journal, Netwatcher.  The service is free and will focus on presenting a completely objective view of what’s going on in telecommunications, media, and technology—or TMT as the Wall Street types call it.  Our target will be the strategist who wants to adopt, or to present, technology in new ways, to improve worker productivity, personal enjoyment, and overall business revenue and profit.

This service is going to be entirely video-based, and will be based on two interdependent sets of presentations.  First, we’ll have YouTube videos that will present tutorial information that benefit from presentation graphics.  These will cover topics like tech spending, the cloud, SDNs, etc and they’ll be produced by CIMI Corporation and narrated by me.  Second, we’ll be hosting Google+ “Hangouts on the Air”.  Google+ Hangouts are video chats among a group of no more than 10 people.  The “on the air” part means that they can be broadcast in a public sense.  Some of our hangouts will be live, others will be recorded on YouTube, but we hope that the hangout process is the biggest source of content.

Who can hang out?  In a viewing sense, anyone.  This is all public.  In a participatory sense, we’re going to screen those who want to participate.  We need a solid identification of the person and their company and position before we let them participate.  They need to agree to the rules, which basically means following the format we set and not engaging in commercial or offensive behavior.  If somebody breaks the rules, we’ll stop the Hangout and block them from it and all future ones, then resume without them.  One strike, one warning, and you’re out.  We may try to group participants to create a unity of purpose but we hope to get volunteers and to simply pick people who express interest.

What will the hangout topics be?  Some will be based on the tutorial videos, but we also plan to cover vendor announcements, industry developments, regulatory issues, etc.  Whatever is interesting and relevant to planners in the TMT world.  If you like, you can suggest topics.

We hope to start this off before the end of July and then let nature take its course.  If you would like to receive updates, please email us at hangmeout@cimicorp.com and let me know whether you want to simply be notified of an opportunity to view material or if you’d like to actually participate.  This would be a good time to suggest topics too.  Nobody will be promoted for anything other than for the hangouts or videos if they submit an email, and all you have to do to be removed is to ask.

We’ll update those who respond with the website of the new service and further information, but we’ll also post this on our blog, CIMI’s homepage, and on LinkedIn.  Please give it a try and let me know what you think.


Content Lawsuits, B2B Disappointments, and Cloud Misconceptions

Well, it’s Recap Friday again, and today we can start with the Aereo situation.  The online video provider has been streaming over-the-air material in what the owner networks say is a clear violation of copyright.  They asked for Aereo to be shut down, and a judge ruled they could operate while the suit progressed.  That’s been claimed by many as a “victory” for OTT video and cord-cutting.

Aereo is complicated.  Slingbox lets you toss your video bits to a remote viewing location.  The difference with Aereo is that they do the bit-tossing on your behalf.  Whether that’s enough to cut the mustard in court is up in the air (I think it probably won’t) and the judge’s refusal to shut the service down is a reasonable accommodation to the people who have subscribed, so there’s been no fight yet, much less a victory.  My question is whether a win by Aereo would really be a win at all.

Does Slinging video hurt the networks, apart from the legal question?  Truth is that it would be hard to prove.  The same people watch, they just watch in situations where they couldn’t before.  If advertisers paid for commercials on the content then as long as Aereo doesn’t drop them and substitute their own, there’s no harm financially.  Maybe there’s even a benefit because again the audience might be larger.  So while I think this case is probably lost for Aereo, I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing for the content guys.  Who it hurts are the network operators, particularly the cable companies, who may lose fees from carrying material or VoD revenues and then are stuck carrying the traffic that’s disintermediating them—for incrementally zero dollars.  Moral: This shows we need to think very carefully about how the Internet model and the video world collide, to be sure we don’t kill the player that’s supporting both.

Content is king in places other than entertainment video, too.  A recent survey by Corporate Visions says that 80% of B2B marketing/sales types believe that their campaigns are either ineffective or partially ineffective.  The largest reason is that the content isn’t compelling.  The second-largest is that marketing/sales misalignment was leaves sales organizations with the heavy lifting in strategic positioning because their company creates marketing collateral that’s not about marketing at all, it’s essentially a mass-consumable version of a sales pitch.

We have a couple of presentations on this topic; they relate to the way that social media combines with traditional marketing to maximize the effectiveness, and also how to do general “trajectory management” in converting suspects to customers by using marketing and sales symbiotically.  If you’d like us to do a hangout on either of these topics, open to anyone to view on Google+ or YouTube, drop me an email (hangmeout@cimicorp.com).

My final point here is about “Cloud Misconceptions”.  I asked enterprises what they believed was the biggest misconception about the cloud.  Answers were fit into two groups.  The typical enterprise who’s still kicking cloud tires said the biggest misconception was that “the cloud always saves you money over internal IT”.  The second group, who consist of the “cloud literati” who have really been pursuing the cloud, said the biggest misconception was that “the primary benefit of the cloud is saving money versus internal IT”.  Interesting, huh?  The smart people say that what the less literate see as a problem is actually an almost predestined outcome; that the cloud is driven by other factors.

The cloud is an alternate IT architecture, it’s kind of the Internet of Computing.  The flexibility of the model and the way it change worker/IT interaction creates a new opportunity for empowerment of workers, a new set of benefit cases that could drive IT spending up considerably.  This is the cloud that the elite buyers see now, that every real buyer will see eventually, and that buyers say vendors and providers have failed to take ownership of.  Could that be related to the crummy B2B marketing?  Sure sounds like it to me.

When Tablet Meets Phone Booth?

The mobile phenomena, our gadget-coupled love affair with ubiquitous broadband, is hitting the market in a variety of ways, some expected and some a bit strange.  There are likely stranger ones on tap, too, which is what you’d expect of a revolution.  And for sure, the big revolution of the decade is mobile broadband.

One impact that’s predictable is a decline in PC sales.  The problem is that we can’t be sure how much of a decline we’re seeing (Gartner and IDC seem to disagree on whether it’s worse than expected) or what exactly is driving it.  We do know that people are buying tablets more and more, and my own research says that young people would rather have a tablet as their first gadget than a PC (they want a smartphone more than either one, though).  The big “however” here is that it’s pretty clear that the smartphone doesn’t directly impact the PC market and it’s likely the tablet is having only a modest broad-market impact.

There’s a lot of hype in this space.  What I think is provably happening is that users are dividing their activities into two distinct zones, one representing periods when they need to be productive and the other periods when they simply need to absorb information.  For the former they need a keyboard whose performance matches their entry skills or they lose time.  For the latter they need a tablet.  As long as these two zones are distinct, as long as users aren’t unexpectedly moving between them, then it’s not necessary to have a common device to support both and tablet sales would not be expected to kick the props from under the laptop.

How about the cloud?  Doesn’t matter in this picture, because the question isn’t where the application or data storage is, it’s what the user’s relationship with the data could be.   What does, or could, matter is something like Microsoft’s Surface.  If a tablet could be linked to the cloud and made a suitable platform for data entry by adding a functional keyboard, then it could become the prime platform for more users.  Not all, probably.  In my own world I use a laptop almost daily, and the same with a tablet, but for heavy spreadsheet and graphics/presentation work I need to attach a trackball or move to a desktop system.  Why?  Not because it wouldn’t be impossible to use a tablet or a laptop and touchpad, but because it wouldn’t be PRODUCTIVE.

If mobile broadband is driving all of this, then what’s next?  One answer may come from the NYC plan to install WiFi hotspots in phone booths.  There aren’t many of these out there now, but the plan could generate ten thousand or more over time.  If this sort of thing happens, then it has major consequences on mobile broadband use and behavior because it encourages a sharp divide between “mobile” and “migratory” behavior.  We’re mobile when we’re moving; we’re migratory when we’re roosted in a sequence of places.

Since WiFi hotspots have limited range, they’ll encourage a migratory behavior pattern.  I’ve seen this from Alaska to Europe already; people lounging outside a public library or other WiFi location to get access.  The question is whether they’ve come there to do something specific, a “productivity” app, or whether they stopped there to play a video somebody emailed them and want a bigger form factor than their phone.  If most casual tablet use is information sipping, then tablets can gain ground.  If most is planned access there’s an implication of productivity intent, and laptops (or, probably, ultrabooks or netbooks) may win back some followers.  So here’s a test for you New Yorkers to help me with; see what kind of device people are using around those phone books.


Two Almost-Cloud Tales

There are a lot of things that skirt the line between revolution and over-promotion, and the cloud is surely one of them.  The thing I believe distinguishes the categories is the presence or absence of a comprehensive cloud model.  If you believe the cloud is an architecture for delivering applications/features from a large flexible resource pool to a ubiquitous and often mobile user community, it’s a revolution.  If you believe the cloud replaces private IT, then it’s hype.  We have a couple of indicators in the cloud space today that illustrate this.

Sprint and CDC are partnering to create a hosting/cloud experience based on CDC IT resources and Sprint’s network.  The reason this is important is that it illustrates the fundamental coupling of cloud and network.  You can’t have one without the other, and while we’ve looked at that as meaning that every cloud needs a network to cement it together, it’s also true that every network needs a cloud to make it profitable.

Here’s the thing.  We don’t get online to push bits around, we get online to experience something.  The bits are just troubling details along the delivery path.  That’s hardly a model for profit growth, network-wise.  The money in the long run will always be in the thing that the buyer is trying to pay for.  Amazon is a retailer not a trucking company.  Sprint, who is a mobile player, is telling us that you can’t make money on mobile networks.  Since mobile networks offer the highest margin and ROI of any network, that means you can’t make money on networks.  Enter the cloud.

The question is whether Sprint is doing smart cloud or dumb cloud.  Their previous partnership with Cisco on collaboration suggests that they may be seeing cloud services as something offered over the Internet as an OTT play rather than something tied to their mobile services business.  I think that’s a mistake.  Service providers have high hopes for monetizing mobile customers through mobile/behavioral symbiosis at the service level, and a cloud is the logical platform for that.  So Sprint should be looking there, a place where they can add to their mobile ARPU and not try to create a whole new following by creating a partnership.  There’s not enough margin in retail cloud services for intermediaries.

Telefonica is also making a sort-of-cloud announcement, but while Sprint claims cloud positioning for what may not be a viable business model, Telefonica has a viable business model it’s not properly positioning in a cloud.  The carrier has announced a mobile security service that’s designed to provide the mobile user with the same security they could expect from a well-protected desktop.  Juniper’s Junos Pulse mobile client is the foundation for the service, and Juniper will play a role in management hosting.

This could have been a great cloud story.  The Telefonica service, targeted at the enterprise to secure their public and private clouds, could be a winner.  The Junos Pulse application could give Juniper a security reference in the cloud that would mean something, not just the usual PR babble.  It’s not technology or potential that undershot here, it’s just positioning conservatism.  Just like Sprint?  Maybe.

The moral of all of this is that we’re still coming to terms with the cloud.  On the one hand, everyone from users to vendors to carriers think that the cloud is the service model of the future.  OK, then, what you do and sell for the future has to then have a cloud positioning associated with it.

Inside Telefonica’s Optical Announcement

Telefonica today announced a research-network trial of a basic IP/DWDM technology combination that flattens networks to an agile IP/MPLS edge and an agile optical core built around GMPLS.  The project included Universal Edge routers from Juniper and Adva Optical DWDM core technology.  Everyone is happy about the resulting reduction in capex and opex, and in the speed of creating new services, but there’s more to this than the press releases talk about.

As the Internet has driven down revenue per bit, operators have struggled to compensate by reducing infrastructure cost per bit to stabilize ROI.  Traditional router networks, which are a hierarchy of edge and core devices, increase capital cost and operations cost and they don’t really provide capacity, they provide connectivity.  If agile optics could be used to create a flexible core network that could respond to failures, the same technology that actually creates bits could connect the edges.  This has been behind a wave of operator RFIs on optical networking, notably Verizon’s OTN initiatives, sometimes as much as five years old.  The essential concept behind agile optics is that if you could create a wavelength mesh of edge devices there’d be no need for core connectivity management.

From the perspective of the core network builder and the user, this is a good thing because it improves ROI on infrastructure.  But there are some limits to the goodness, and the most obvious is for the network equipment vendor.  What tends to happen in OTN transformations is that the IP devices become little more than big on-ramps.  That means the total investment in core infrastructure shifts more toward optics, whose overall portion of the budget is likely to increase, and away from IP.  IP has higher margins, so that’s bad for vendors, particularly those who don’t play in the optical space at all.

A second part of the picture is highlighted by that comment about the MSAs.  Today, most Internet traffic is shortstopped within an MSA because it’s either hitting a local resource or it’s hitting a content cache.  Video traffic is almost never hauled over the core, and that’s where most traffic growth is concentrated.  Metro networks are different from core networks in that they’re really AGGREGATION NETWORKS and not connectivity networks; their focus is to concentrate traffic toward points of service presence.  That’s never been an IP mission, it’s typically more about Ethernet and tunnels.  So traffic growth overall is shifting emphasis from IP connectivity to Level 2 aggregation, and that also diminishes the role of routers.

Then there’s the critical point.  We’ve got a market driven by a different kind of aggregation; the summarization of billions of small, low-value, relationships into a gigantic traffic pit we call “the Internet”.  It’s so big that planning for it consumes all planning cycles, and so pervasive that its economy of scale is unbeatable and everyone designs apps for it rather than for other services with better service but higher cost.  In this market, every vendor has to accept that the network is going to dumb down, generate lower cost per bit, become more optical and un-differentiable.  They have to decide what their revenue and profit sources will be in the new age.  Are there models, things we’d call “SDNs” today that could reignite network value?  Sure, with proper foundation in regulation and business practices and with proper support for cloud-hosted features.  We need to transition all of the network to the optical age, not just the core.

A final point here.  If you like this kind of blog coverage of announcements and issues, we’re going to be doing more stuff you’ll like.  We’re working on a video-based (Google+) framework for delivering commentary on what we believe to be key announcements and issues.  The current plan is that we’ll set a specific regular time (provisionally 11 AM Eastern Time on Friday) and then set up a Hangout.  In some, I’m going to be the only speaker.  In others we may have journalists, vendors, or even other analysts.  If you’re interested in this sort of thing and want to be kept advised, drop an email to hangmeout@cimicorp.com and we’ll keep you posted.

Learning a New Service Model From Voice, Mozilla, and the Cloud

The voice services space may be demonstrating the fate that any “basic” service of connection will face, and also some of the technical opportunities that could still be realized.  Acme Packet, one-time darling of the financial analysts, has taken a hit and the “Why?” says a lot.

Acme has been a provider of session border controllers for VoIP services, a market that at one level you’d think would be going well given the voice transition we’re in.  But the voice transition is being driven by free overlay voice services like Skype and Google Voice, and any time you face free competition, your own price and cost will be under pressure.  In the SBC space, Acme has been forced to push a software-SBC model, and obviously that’s going to sustain a much lower margin.  Just as obviously, in the longer term, the P2P voice model is going to win out and SBCs will be a thing of the past.

OK, doom and gloom in voice is nothing new; most people have realized that voice services will ultimately be incrementally free and thus based on the lowest possible technology cost.  As we move to smartphones and tablets with easy gadget-based access to multiple online message, mail, and voice services there’s little reason to worry even over the issue of interworking among providers.  Let the device bridge the gap.  And video obviously breaks the old PSTN calling model.  But is there anything good that might come of this?

One thing, I think.  As we move toward the notion that services are a feature that’s hosted rather than an element in hardware (SBCs are software, remember?) we move to a model of cloud services that just might embrace the network devices themselves.  After all, where’s the boundary of a cloud?  Let’s suppose we had a service architecture where all features were represented by a URL and where all devices from the phone/tablet in your hand to the deepest data center, INCLUDING the routers and switches, might host stuff on demand.  It’s a cloud model that lets not only users join and applications run, it lets resources join.  When they do, the resource’s location relative to the user and to other resources would be used to decide when to host something on it versus elsewhere.

You could argue that the Mozilla Firefox OS concept could promote a notion of “agile resource fulfillment”.  Incorporate an API into an app and it needs to be satisfied somewhere.  Why not bind apps to APIs more dynamically, so that if the handset has a capability it can be drawn from it, but if not the API could realize to a cloud service?  If you want “location” you call for it, to either draw on handset GPS or carrier triangulation.  The notion is to abstract what elements make up a service and then utilize what’s best suited.  If the cloud can assign applications to resources, why stop with server farms?  I don’t think we can, or should, or will.

One interesting possibility in taking a step in this direction would be to adopt a kind of Firefox-OS-ish model for basic orchestration and control of network behavior.  Microsoft and Joyent have been pushing a server-side Javascript architecture with “node.js”.  Could you compose “service pages” and then execute them?  Could you extend the architecture with some broad API-discovery mechanism like UDDI?  Could equipment vendors host node.js on network management platforms to provide a link to their own exposable assets?  Could we secure a distributed service/cloud architecture?  There are other approaches to node.js, of course, but at least this is an option for a broad architecture at a time when we darn sure need one.


Tablet Drama May Mean Gathering Clouds

With Apple looking like it’s going to launch a 7-inch tablet, it’s hard not to see that form factor gaining a lot more traction.  My surveys tell me that enterprises prefer that layout for many of their mobile-worker applications because it’s easier to carry and because most of these apps involve displaying something for on-site review based on a few keystrokes.  As far as consumers are concerned, the big thing seems to be cost—the 7-inch model is cheaper and it lets players like Apple go down-market without discounting their premier line.  But is that all?

Amazon, since the launch of the Kindle Fire, has been the major player in the 7-inch space, and Google’s Nexus 7 clearly aims as much to hit Amazon as to miss the traditional Apple iPad niche.  Apple’s response, if true, would be effectively a punch at Google to be sure, but also at Amazon.  So what’s up here in the 7-inch space?  You guessed it; I think it’s cloud ambitions.

If you’re going after the mass market you need to have a cheap product, which either means you have thin profits overall or that you find ancillary profit sources as follow-ons to the tablet buy.  Amazon (and B&N) get their primary profit from sales of ebooks to the customers who have their reader.  Google or Apple, entering the 7-inch space, are going to have to draw on some form of cloud service like ebooks or they’ll never be able to both compete in price and generate margins overall.

Tablets push cloud, but not the most general cloud model—at least not so far.  Most tablets are WiFi and are used to do something that needs more screen real estate, so e-reading is a good example.  Content is clearly another, which is why Kindle Fire draws on Amazon’s library of video.  Google has revamped its whole Android store vision to support a stronger channel of content delivery to devices.  Apple, of course, already has a store.  And store changes aren’t over yet, because Google and presumably Apple will bring a new dimension to 7-inch e-reader form factors—multiple ebook clients.  That may push everyone to expand services.

Amazon doesn’t support alternative ebook libraries on Kindle.  Google does, effectively, on Nexus 7, and Apple likely will if it launches a 7-inch tablet.  For Apple and Google, the move is essential because they need to be able to support the growing ebook market, but for Amazon this is bad news because it means that they either have to open their own device or risk users will fly to a more general tablet to get access to all the ebook conduits.  I read both B&N and Amazon on my tablet, and I’m sure many people do the same.  With this shift, the ebook subsidies are at risk, which pushes the Amazons and B&Ns of the world more to a generalized model of a tablet as a content receiver, which then pushes them more to a cloud model.

Amazon may be launching its own smartphone, say the rumors.  That’s very possible, I think, and if they do then I think it’s also going to put pressure on Apple and Google to raise the bar again.  Maybe to become MVNOs?  It will also pressure operators to support the Mozilla Firefox OS and cloud-hosted, HTML5-authored, apps and features.  In short, we’re looking at a major sea change in appliances, and it’s going to bring changes not only to the gadgets in our hands but to the servers and storage and networks that support them.


Telefonica Goes Out-of-Market and an Early Combined-View Video Offering Falls Short

Telefonica has launched a bunch of new digital-service initiatives that are aimed at transforming the company’s revenue model, but interestingly most of them are aimed offshore rather than in-market.  They’re working with Etisalat to add cloud and other mobile enhanced services to emerging markets, they’ve added mobile-billing options for online purchases in countries where credit card penetration is low, and they’ve backed the Mozilla Firefox OS to reduce smartphone costs in emerging markets.

European operators have been going offshore more than most; on a recent trip through Latin America I saw players like Telenor emerging as major market contenders.  I suspect that part of the problem is that the EU operators are afraid that EU telecom regulations, which have been aggressive on roaming costs, data charges, and infrastructure sharing, might inhibit ROI expansion from investments in-market.  The other factor is that in-market service enhancements demand a real service-layer investment, and operators are still looking for the magic formula that links cloud infrastructure to services.  For example, video services are a big target for operators, or at least they have been historically.  The spring survey results I’m just now finalizing suggest that video monetization remains a titular goal but that execution on meeting the goal is lagging.  The cloud, on the other hand, was always the third-priority monetization choice and it’s now leading in execution.

Speaking of video, if you’ve followed my blogs on video/media, you know I’m a believer in the notion that OTT on-demand content has to look more like linear viewing to work.  You need to have a channel guide, channels, time slots, etc. and you have to blend broadcast material with streaming to create a unified experience.  There’s a commercialization of a video model in the UK that at least takes some steps in that direction, from YouView.  But so far I hear it’s not quite hitting the mark.

YouView has a DVR-like thing that is both an engine to search online content and channel guides using metadata, and a mechanism for cataloging a user’s own content assets.  What it lacks so far is a consistent interface.  As you may recall, I’ve suggested that users needed “virtual channels” that were composed of available on-demand material and populated based on viewer interest.  So I might have a “Wildlife” channel because I’m interested in wildlife travel and photography.  If I don’t find something interesting on channelized TV, the hypothetical system could give me some wildlife programming from online sources, stuff consistent with what I’ve viewed before but eliminating things I’d viewed recently and tagging the stuff I viewed some time ago and might be willing to watch again.  Absent this, all these gadgets tend to be conveniences, not drivers to new viewing behavior.

The cost is another factor.  YouView is over four hundred bucks, and while it’s gotten a fair level of acceptance from retailers, only one manufacturer has stepped up to build the box.  The company says that future products will be cheaper, and my UK sources say most people are saying “Fine, then I’ll wait”.


Mozilla and Dell Look Cloud-ward

The telcos, including some big national carriers, have announced their backing of Mozilla’s Firefox OS, a smartphone platform that’s supposed to bring down the price of smartphones.  That’s obviously what’s behind the deal in the first place; telcos have become weary of subsidizing handsets to promote coolness.  They’ve encouraged Microsoft and now it appears that they’re hedging their bets even there.  Even if the new phone OS isn’t a big hit, it could have a big impact.

Firefox OS is based more on HTML5, with applications taking the form of web pages and scripts.  There’s an older-version open-source Android kernel at the bottom and a shim layer that exposes phone features through APIs so that they can be addressed by HTML5.  Thus, they can access the APIs representing both external (web/cloud) and internal (Firefox OS) features.

It seems to me that the value of this model would be limited if we assumed that the phones had to do exactly the same work to produce a given experience, and an alternative app model would rely more on cloud execution of features to unload the device and lower the cost.  If that’s the case then there may be a double reason for operators to like the approach.  If operators hosting mobile features in the cloud could integrate these with basic handsets (what I’ve called “brightphones” as opposed to truly “smartphones”) they could have a model that re-introduces them to the mobile revenue stream.

The Firefox OS model might also represent another take on the thin client, what Google Chrome OS goes after.  While Mozilla is saying the goal is the phone and tablet space they admit that even a desktop is possible, and that might mean that the OS could take a fork into the business space, offering a richer and standards-based virtual desktop.  The big question will be performance; scripting languages running inside a browser aren’t likely to be as fast as traditional app languages.  Work here would narrow the gap, though.

Another interesting development is the Dell buy of Quest Software.  Quest is a database and IT infrastructure player, a company that would give Dell a firmer foot in the data center when competing against players like HP and Oracle who have both software and servers.  The important thing here, I think, is that Dell is demonstrating that you can’t be a pure server player and sustain profit margins and strategic influence.  That’s also true in network equipment, as my recent surveys are showing.  Vendors who have a greater IT component to their product lines, or more software focus, have uniformly scored higher.  Engaged in the cloud in a credible way?  Good for your margins.  Enterprises who are embarking on IT missions of their own want the missions supported by their vendors, not a vendor who simply pushes devices at them for self-assembly.  Obviously a full spectrum product line helps out, and Dell wants to make the move.

Quest isn’t a known cloud play, though, and I don’t think that infrastructure management is going to drive enough buyers to Dell’s doorstep.  They need to reposition this asset as part of their cloud story.  That will almost certainly mean positioning infrastructure management as cloud management, something that I always wondered why Quest itself didn’t take on.  There’s an enormous opportunity in the area of “cloudifying” applications, after all.  We’ll likely see some steps taken quickly because Dell won’t want to waste the limelight the deal will bring them.

Will Virginia Storms Dispel the Cloud?

Could storms in Virginia dispel some cloud momentum?  I received the last of the responses to my spring survey of enterprises on Friday, and operators had already sent in their responses so the process of data analysis and interpretation can now begin.  For subscribers to our journal, Netwatcher, the results will be in the July issue.  For now, though, I was struck me by the synchrony between enterprise comments on the cloud and the experiences of Twitter, Amazon, Netflix, and Instagram users during the east-coast power problems.

If you ask senior management at enterprises what the benefits of the cloud are, they cite flexibility in worker empowerment as number one, flexibility in assigning resources to applications based on optimum cost/performance as number two, and availability as number three.  Nine out of ten believe the cloud to be more reliable than their own data centers, and yet only 2% reported any massive data center outage in the last year.  That’s actually a bit lower than the rate of reported cloud outages.  What gives?

It looks to me like there are two clouds out there; the idealized fuzzy cloud of our imagination and the real deployed cloud.  You can read about the first in any publication, but you never hear much about the second.  For example, you don’t get an answer to the question of why, given the supposed geographic diversity of the cloud, a user like Netflix could be taken down by a power outage in one area.  Actually, the cloud isn’t usually that geographically diverse.  Many cloud providers serve customers out of a single data center, and most serve customers out of no more than a couple in any market geography.

Cloud operators will admit in private that a small number of large data centers is more economical than a bunch of distributed ones, which we all ought to realize or the whole server consolidation trend would be based on a lie.  The facilities are cheaper and can be located in areas where costs are lower, power is similarly likely cheaper, and so is communications access.  Thus, even though in many cases cloud data centers are so large that they can’t be powered by backup facilities at all, we are seeing risk concentration along with server concentration.

One reason we may be having these problems is that we lack a systemic vision for how an application is deployed on the cloud.  Absent automatic commissioning of even complex applications, there’s a tendency to build non-resilient app models even on resilient infrastructure.  Another reason is that the notion of the cloud demand an intimate partnership between IT and network to facilitate optimized distribution and access.  That partnership also has to be automated, and the progress toward addressing these issues is very limited at this point.  People talk about cloud networking but progress there is elusive.

Maybe because we don’t know what it means, period.  We do have a notion of networking’s evolution in SDN but we haven’t linked it to the cloud.  This despite the fact that nearly all the enterprises who think they understand cloud networking understand it in SDN terms.  The recent Cisco announcement and some competitive and market byplay following it make it clear that there’s still a major debate even on what SDN is, much less how it’s related to the cloud.  Even Cisco drew a more casual link than an architectural one, citing VPNs as the basis for both SDN and cloud but going no further.

Could an SDN-centric vision of the network combine with a DevOps-centric vision of the cloud to create the Great IT Movement?  Sure, but we need to develop that vision.  I suggest that to secure the goal we have to unite the efforts, not pursue them individually then try to harmonize the result.  There is only one IT budget, so you can’t drive it in two directions.  Unite and prosper.  If you’re a vendor in the network or cloud space, that would be a good motto to consider according to my surveys.