Who Has the Best 5G Strategy, Verizon or AT&T?

Verizon and AT&T have been locked in some form of competitive (with ownership of Bell companies playing a role) embrace since the Bell System broke up. Verizon has a major advantage in demand density, the ability of a market to pay back on network infrastructure, and AT&T has been perhaps the most radical Tier One … Continue reading Who Has the Best 5G Strategy, Verizon or AT&T?

Is Verizon’s MEC “Land Grab” Really Grabbing any Land?

Verizon thinks it’s out front in what it calls an enterprise “land grab” at the edge. Of course, everyone likes to say they’re in the lead of some race or another, and Verizon’s position in the edge is really set by a deal with Microsoft and Amazon. Does this mean that they’re just resellers and … Continue reading Is Verizon’s MEC “Land Grab” Really Grabbing any Land?

Lessons from Verizon’s Write-Down of AOL and Yahoo

Verizon has admitted that its purchases of Yahoo and AOL have resulted in…nothing much.  The company is taking a massive $4.6 billion write-down on its Oath media unit, the repository for its AOL and Yahoo units, admitting that the residual value is only $200 million.  The decline is largely the drop in brand (in financial … Continue reading Lessons from Verizon’s Write-Down of AOL and Yahoo

Is Verizon’s No-Content-Acquisition Approach a Good One?

With what seems to be an explosion of content provider acquisitions underway, Verizon remains committed to being a content delivery partner not a content competitor.  With streaming video seeming to be everyone’s direction, Verizon still doesn’t have its own streaming offering.  What makes Verizon think they can buck these trends when competitor AT&T has gone … Continue reading Is Verizon’s No-Content-Acquisition Approach a Good One?

What Does Verizon’s Dropping IPTV FiOS Mean for Streaming Video?

Verizon is reportedly abandoning its streaming video platform, says multiple online technology sources.  That, if true, raises some very significant questions because it could mean that Verizon has abandoned streaming as a delivery strategy for FiOS TV.  If that’s true, then what does it mean for the 5G/FTTN hybrid model of broadband that Verizon has … Continue reading What Does Verizon’s Dropping IPTV FiOS Mean for Streaming Video?

Is Verizon’s Data Center Sale Bad News for Carrier Cloud?

The announcement that Verizon is truly selling its cloud data centers, we now know to Equinix, has to put fear in the heart of carrier cloud proponents.  It should, and it should even call into question the future of NFV.  But all is not lost here; the fact is that Verizon was premature in getting … Continue reading Is Verizon’s Data Center Sale Bad News for Carrier Cloud?

Verizon’s SDN/NFV Architecture in Depth

I noted in my introductory blog in AT&T’s and Verizon’s SDN/NFV approach that Verizon has taken a totally different tack with its architecture.  Where AT&T is building open-source glue to bind its vendor-controlling D2 architecture, Verizon is defining an open architectural framework for vendor integration.  Standards from the ONF, TMF, and NFV ISGs fit deep … Continue reading Verizon’s SDN/NFV Architecture in Depth