Mastodon Chat for the Podcast of January 9 2023

The next Things Past and Things to Come podcast will be posted on the morning of January 9th on the website, and the Mastodon chat on its topics will be held at 11 AM Eastern US Time on January 10th. If you have not yet sent me your Mastodon ID and followed the instructions in the email confirming your setup, please do so before then or you won’t be able to participate.

For Tuesday’s Mastodon chat on the TMT Advisor podcast, please make note of the following points, referring to the instructions you received on signing up to participate.

First, you must follow my Mastodon ID in order to see my comments and answers.

Second, you must ask questions and make comments with toots designated as public, and tag your toots with the TMT Advisor hashtag, so that others will be able to see your questions and comments. If it doesn’t interfere with your other uses of Mastodon, I recommend that you go to Preferences>Other>Posting privacy and set your default to “Public – Everyone can see”. Hashtags aren’t processed in Mastodon except for toots that are designated as “Public”.