Two Lessons from “Earnings Pairings”

What have we learned so far from earnings season?  It’s always hard to interpret these quarterly events, particularly since they’re at least as much a hype-Wall-Street exercise as a report on the company’s activities.  Still, you can often interpret some interesting things, particularly if you look at multiple players in the same space. AT&T and … Continue reading Two Lessons from “Earnings Pairings”

Will 5G Really Open New Revenue Opportunities?

Just when you express hope that the network industry can shed the past, somebody demonstrates it won’t be easy.  An interview in Light Reading with Amdocs CTO Anthony Goonetilleke proposes that one of the unsung benefits of 5G is that it will enable operators to charge for services rather than for data.  Is this really … Continue reading Will 5G Really Open New Revenue Opportunities?

The Industry Accepts Two Truths…Belatedly

Sometimes the new things you learn are things you should have known all along. That was the case last week with two critical announcements. First, Ericsson (a major 5G advocate) came out and told operators they wouldn’t be getting a big revenue windfall from cellular connection of IoT devices. Second, Amazon (who had no real … Continue reading The Industry Accepts Two Truths…Belatedly

Facing a Broadband Future

Everyone probably agrees that broadband Internet is the revolution of our time.  Whether we’re talking about wireline or wireless, even business versus consumer, the explosive growth of broadband access to the Internet has transformed much of telecom.  What we used to think of as the prime services (voice calling) is now an afterthought OTT service.  … Continue reading Facing a Broadband Future

Some Truths About the Challenge of Operator Transformation

There is always a risk in using buzzwords or catch-phrases.  They tend to propagate through the market, losing contact with reality along the way.  We hear, for example, that operators are “bullish” on transformation but don’t follow through.  Is that a fair comment or is there something deeper going on.  Four global operators have recently … Continue reading Some Truths About the Challenge of Operator Transformation