Why Logical Networking is Our Real Future

What is the most important development in networking, not just technology but in the broadest sense?  What’s going to change, shape the future?  It’s the emergence of “logical networking” as what’s essentially a new OSI layer.  That single force is going to reshape everything, decide the fate of the new technologies, and define the role … Continue reading Why Logical Networking is Our Real Future

Where Might the Streaming-Video Dynamic Take Us?

The Netflix results suggest that OTT video is a big factor in broadband’s future.  If that’s true, then what does it mean for the industry as a whole?  Linear TV was at one point the credible profit engine for wireline broadband.  What happens to that sector if the engine breaks down?  What happens to vendors?  … Continue reading Where Might the Streaming-Video Dynamic Take Us?

A Retrospective on MWC From the Wall Street Perspective

All that glitters is not MWC, to paraphrase a popular saying, but MWC probably glitters more than most technology shows.  The question that you have to ask after an MWC event, or any other trade show for that matter, is whether there’s anything behind the bling.  I thought it might be interesting to look at … Continue reading A Retrospective on MWC From the Wall Street Perspective

If We’re in the Software Defined Age, How Do We Define the Software?

We are not through the first earnings season of the year, the first after the new tax law passed, but we are far enough into it to be able to see the outlines of technology trends in 2018.  Things could be a lot worse, the summary might go, but they could also still get worse.  … Continue reading If We’re in the Software Defined Age, How Do We Define the Software?

So, Will Nationalized 5G Save Us?

5G may be the darling of the networking media, but it has profound technical and economic issues.  The standards aren’t yet done, there are questions about how some of the proposed features would be implemented, and there’s the overriding question of whether there will be sufficient return on investment for operators.  Those complications are daunting, … Continue reading So, Will Nationalized 5G Save Us?

Dissecting the Challenges of Zero-Touch Automation

There’s no question that “zero-touch automation” is emerging as the new industry buzzword (or words), and it has the advantage or disadvantage of being more complicated than most of our past ones.  Sure, at the high level at least, you can express the idea simply.  It’s about full automation of the service or application lifecycle, … Continue reading Dissecting the Challenges of Zero-Touch Automation

Are We Seeing the Sunset of Channelized Live TV?

There is no question that the video space and its players are undergoing major changes.  It’s not clear where those are leading us, at least not yet.  For decades, channelized TV has been the mainstay of wireline service profit, and yet it’s more threatened today than ever before.  Where video goes, does wireline go?  What … Continue reading Are We Seeing the Sunset of Channelized Live TV?

Why Is Carrier Cloud on the Back Burner for Carriers?

I noted in my blog yesterday that I was surprised and disappointed by the fact that the network operators didn’t seem to have given much thought to carrier cloud in their fall technology planning cycle.  I had a decent number of emails from operators, including some that I’d surveyed, to explain why that seemed to … Continue reading Why Is Carrier Cloud on the Back Burner for Carriers?