An Overview of the AT&T and Verizon SDN/NFV Architectures

When AT&T and Verizon released their architecture models for SDN and NFV, I did a quick blog overview of the two.  I’ve had a chance to talk with operators and vendors about the approach now, and I’d like to revisit the two architectures based on what I’ve heard.  This is going to be a three-part … Continue reading An Overview of the AT&T and Verizon SDN/NFV Architectures

Unraveling What Might be Verizon’s Plan for Improved Profits

It should be clear by now that network operators are facing a profit-margin problem on basic connection services.  Everyone has been happy to offer advice; vendors think operators should either accept declining margins or address them in some way that doesn’t impact capex.  The media thinks the operators should elevate their revenues and practices, become … Continue reading Unraveling What Might be Verizon’s Plan for Improved Profits

Exploring the Operations Implications of the Verizon Model

The issue of operationalizing next gen networks and services is critical for operators, and it’s thus fitting to close this week’s review of the Verizon architecture with comments on OSS/BSS integration.  There are two questions to be answered; can the approach deal with the efficiency/agility goals that will have to be met to justify SDN/NFV, … Continue reading Exploring the Operations Implications of the Verizon Model

The Implications and Impacts of Verizon’s End-to-End Hierarchical Modeling

It has always been my view that NFV would be better and more efficient if there were a common modeling approach from the top layer of services to the bottom layer of infrastructure.  I still feel that way, but I have serious doubts on whether such a happy situation can now arise.  The service-centric advance … Continue reading The Implications and Impacts of Verizon’s End-to-End Hierarchical Modeling

What We Can Learn from Verizon’s SDN/NFV Paper

Verizon has just released a white paper on its SDN/NFV strategy, developed with the help of a number of major vendors, and the paper exposes a number of interesting insights into Tier One next-gen network planning.  Some are more detailed discussions of things Verizon has revealed in the past, and some new and interesting.  This … Continue reading What We Can Learn from Verizon’s SDN/NFV Paper

Verizon’s Three-Tier Model and the Adoption of SDN/NFV

In a recent interview Verizon’s CEO talked about a three-tier strategy for the company.  You start with the best connectivity, add platforms that can drive traffic, and then add content, applications, and solutions selectively where you need an ecosystem.  While the interview was focused on mobile plans, you can see it has potentially broader value … Continue reading Verizon’s Three-Tier Model and the Adoption of SDN/NFV

Cisco, Ericsson, and Verizon: What They Tell Us About the Future

The news that Cisco and Ericsson are forming a marketing partnership isn’t a big surprise, given the Nokia deal for Alcatel-Lucent earlier.  It’s still big news in the industry, though, and perhaps bigger if one casts it into position alongside another news item, which is that Verizon is looking to sell off its cloud business.  … Continue reading Cisco, Ericsson, and Verizon: What They Tell Us About the Future

Is Verizon’s ThingSpace Really IoT or Is It “IONT?”

Verizon’s entry into the IoT space, via its “ThingSpace” API offering, has been covered by Light Reading and also released directly by Verizon.  The company is also opening its analytics engine for IoT use and making some network and pricing changes to accommodate IoT.  Verizon’s launch presentation on IoT properly characterizes IoT as a “Tower … Continue reading Is Verizon’s ThingSpace Really IoT or Is It “IONT?”

The Real Lesson of the Verizon/AOL Deal

The network operators, particularly the telcos, are in a battle with themselves, attempting a “transformation” from their sale-of-bits model of the past to something different and yet not precisely defined.  One likely offshoot of this, Verizon’s decision to acquire AOL, has generated a lot of comment and I think it may also offer some insights … Continue reading The Real Lesson of the Verizon/AOL Deal