What Winds are Blowing the Cloud?

The Light Reading story on Verizon comments regarding  cloud adoption by enterprises is yet another example of the issues that face a revolutionary development in an age of instant knowledge gratification.  It’s a decent story, and it frames the cloud dilemma of our time.  There is no question that the cloud is revolutionary, but there’s … Continue reading What Winds are Blowing the Cloud?

Spotlighting Carrier Capex and Profit Plans

Verizon’s comments about capex and generally better visibility from vendors has helped the telecom equipment space look a bit better, and of course that’s been our forecast since the spring.  My model shows general telecom spending will increase through 2015, with spending in all equipment areas showing some gain.  This represents the “last-gasp” modernization funded … Continue reading Spotlighting Carrier Capex and Profit Plans

Earnings Show We Need Revolution Conservation!

We had some important tech earnings reports yesterday, and so we need to review them in a systematic way.  IBM and Intel are perhaps the two prototypical tech giants, and what they do in concert is a measure of the health of the industry. Let’s start with IBM, who was a poster child for the … Continue reading Earnings Show We Need Revolution Conservation!

G.fast: Is It Enough?

One of the challenges that wireline has faced (and it doesn’t need all that many challenges for gosh’s sakes!) is the “capacity gap”.  If anyone thinks broadband Internet is profitable enough, you need to read somebody else’s blog.  You need to deliver video, HD video, to make wireline work, and that’s a problem because traditional … Continue reading G.fast: Is It Enough?

What Does Telefonica Have that AT&T (Might) Want?

One of the more interesting M&A rumors is the story that AT&T had made a bid for Spanish telecom giant Telefonica, a move that was blocked (says the rumor) by the Spanish government.  Telefonica has since denied any overtures were made, and it seems likely that one or the other of these negatives would be … Continue reading What Does Telefonica Have that AT&T (Might) Want?

Might the FCC Spur SDN/NFV?

Anyone who’s read my blogs knows I’m no fan of current FCC Chairman Genachowski.  I’ve always believed his role in the VC-and-startup world has made him too much a fan of Internet novelty and not enough a fan of reality.  In particular, I’ve been critical of the neutrality position he’s championed, which includes the preservation … Continue reading Might the FCC Spur SDN/NFV?

This Week’s Data Points Point to Metro

The future is written in the data points of the present, so let’s start today by looking at some of those data points, then reading some tea leaves. NSN is said to be looking to issue nearly a billion dollars in bonds in a move that may well be a precursor to the joint venture … Continue reading This Week’s Data Points Point to Metro

Google Loses its (STB) Network Edge

Gosh, somebody other than Cisco is doing M&A; that’s news in itself!  What may be even more interesting is that Google is selling off its Motorola Home business to Arris.  That creates a new competitor for Cisco, of course, but it may also speak volumes about how IP TV is going to evolve. All the … Continue reading Google Loses its (STB) Network Edge

Why Cisco and Apple Should Worry…or Not

Today, we’re digesting some interesting data points on two giant market players, Apple and Cisco.  Both companies have been the subject of Street research focus and both have demonstrated a mixture of weakness and strength.  Because these two players have such a dramatic influence on their markets—and through them on our lives—we need to understand … Continue reading Why Cisco and Apple Should Worry…or Not

Are Cisco and Alcatel-Lucent Finding the Cloud/Network Formula?

Cisco continues it’s M&A tear, this time picking up Cariden, a specialist in aligning network behavior with business goals.  The focus of the deal has been on what Cariden could do for Cisco’s SDN position, but Cariden is more complicated than that, I think.  It also enhances Cisco’s position in Network Functions Virtualization and improves … Continue reading Are Cisco and Alcatel-Lucent Finding the Cloud/Network Formula?