Yammer and Political Yammering

It’s one of those days of a buffet of items that missed the cut during the week.  There’s a theme though, which is the evolution of broadband and Internet. Microsoft announced it’s going to buy Yammer, a company who specializes in creating a kind of social workplace, a collaborative framework based not on evolved voice … Continue reading Yammer and Political Yammering

Cisco’s “Architectures” and Networking’s Future

Cisco’s annual event kicked off, and while all these events aren’t necessarily a window into the strategic future of Cisco, this one might well be.  Cisco came out more strongly in favor of the notion of strategy and architecture than I’d ever heard them.  It’s too early to say that this change is going to … Continue reading Cisco’s “Architectures” and Networking’s Future

From the Other Side of the Pond…

I’ve just returned from a European trip, one that gave me a chance to dig a bit more into service provider visions and even economic views.  I think that there are changes, perhaps even massive ones, on the horizon in both areas. On the service provider side, I’ve found a dramatic shift in the way … Continue reading From the Other Side of the Pond…

Do Cisco’s Numbers Spell a Market in Decline?

Cisco reported their results for the quarter, and while the current numbers were good (beating estimates and up year over year) the guidance was tepid.  As a result, Cisco’s stock took a major hit post-market that is off its lows this morning but still down about 7%.  Network equipment competitors also fell, and this is … Continue reading Do Cisco’s Numbers Spell a Market in Decline?

“I’ve Looked at OpenFlow from Both Sides Now”

There’s some interesting news on the SDN/OpenFlow front, both from the side of the provider (Verizon in this case) and the vendor (Cisco).  Some is from CTIA and some from Interop, which means that just perhaps something useful may come out of Interop after all! Verizon’s Elby talked about the role that OpenFlow might play … Continue reading “I’ve Looked at OpenFlow from Both Sides Now”

Progress Software’s Cloud Lesson

Progress Software, one of several firms engaged in a complicated (to buyers) activity called “SOA Governance” is shifting its business and its development focus to the cloud.  Given that SOA is likely to be the future of the cloud, as I’ve been saying, you might find this a curious move.  What it illustrates is the … Continue reading Progress Software’s Cloud Lesson

New Business Models in Wireless, Video, and the Cloud?

Well, it looks like there’s some substance in the rumor that Apple is going to get into the mobile broadband business.  At least two independent reports are now saying the company is negotiating with several wireless operators to become what’s called an MVNO, or mobile virtual network operator.  MVNOs don’t own spectrum or facilities but … Continue reading New Business Models in Wireless, Video, and the Cloud?

Random Mobile and Video Events

The early indications suggest that RIM’s vision for its new OS and device line may fall short of revolution, and if that’s the case the company’s chances of recovery are slim.  The demonstrations of Blackberry 10 suggest that while they’ve changed the GUI and keyboard, there’s little or nothing new in the cloud-to-device relationship.  I’m … Continue reading Random Mobile and Video Events

Netflix’s Loss is Mobile’s Gain

The latest casualty of the earnings season is Netflix, whose numbers actually beat the Street’s estimates but who offered subscriber data and guidance that scared the stream-touched among the investment community.  There should have been no surprise here and the fact that the stock got punished for the expected means that people still refuse to … Continue reading Netflix’s Loss is Mobile’s Gain

Nokia Slips but Tech Hangs On

We had a number of interesting earnings reports today, so let’s get to it! Nokia’s numbers for the last quarter were awful, with smartphone sales falling sharply.  You can’t blame that completely on the Windows Phone decision, but it darn sure didn’t help and it’s not going to help them in 2012 either.  The question … Continue reading Nokia Slips but Tech Hangs On