Can Apple and Verizon Push Tech into a New Age?

Today we had the interesting combination of Apple and Verizon quarterly reports, and it’s worth looking at the two in synchrony because of the (obvious, we hope) linkage between the service provider space and the premier provider of consumer mobile technology.  There is in fact likely a bit more synchrony than you’d think. Verizon slightly … Continue reading Can Apple and Verizon Push Tech into a New Age?

Verizon and IBM Tell Different Stories

Earnings are probably a dull topic to many who read my blog, but they are vitally important in understanding tech revolutions and evolutions.  Nothing happens in tech unless someone with credibility sells a product to a buyer, and earnings are a good measure of how that’s going for the key players.  Today I want to … Continue reading Verizon and IBM Tell Different Stories

Is Verizon’s Outage a Symptom of Service-Layer Tension?

Verizon’s network suffered another of those large-scale outages, and there’s no official word on just what created the problem.  One story I’ve heard is that it’s the same last time, which is an IMS-based signaling system overload.  If true, the problem illustrates one of the major challenges for both vendors and operators. IMS has been … Continue reading Is Verizon’s Outage a Symptom of Service-Layer Tension?

A New Dimension to Verizon’s Cloud

Verizon has taken what may be a very important and evocative step toward maturing its enterprise cloud strategy with the purchase of privately held CloudSwitch.  The significance of the move is hard to appreciate without an understanding of just what the heck CloudSwitch is, so I propose to start with that. The classic vision of … Continue reading A New Dimension to Verizon’s Cloud

Verizon Illustrates why FTTH and Cord-Cutting Aren’t for Everyone

Those who hope to find fiber broadband snaking through their neighborhoods will be unhappy when they read a Reuters interview with Verizon’s CFO.  Those who have followed my research on the subject of broadband profitability won’t be surprised, though.  What Shammo said was that FiOS won’t be as profitable to Verizon as wireline had been, … Continue reading Verizon Illustrates why FTTH and Cord-Cutting Aren’t for Everyone

Verizon’s Strike: Last Gasp of Wireline?

Strikes against telcos aren’t anything new, but Verizon’s current strike may be of special significance because it’s coming at a time when the company is wrestling with a question no one ever believed would be asked; is there any future in telephony?  While Verizon has been profitable, the profits aren’t extravagant by any measure of … Continue reading Verizon’s Strike: Last Gasp of Wireline?

Verizon Takes Another Service Stance

Verizon’s Digital Media Services initiative has been somewhat of a yawn to the press but it’s of great interest to other operators and also to some vendors.  Verizon is now launching another program, called the Verizon Strategic Initiatives Council, and this one could be even more important.  Perhaps the most significant thing about it is … Continue reading Verizon Takes Another Service Stance

Verizon’s REALLY “Everywhere” Video

Verizon is taking “TV Everywhere” to more places, or at least taking it places under more conditions.  Their new FiOS Flex View is a kind of Netflix-like approach to content except that instead of streaming it you download it subject to DRM, with 30 days to watch the material.  The fact that the video is … Continue reading Verizon’s REALLY “Everywhere” Video