What Verizon’s Datacenter Spending Portends

Verizon said it would be making a major investment in data centers for, among other things, cloud computing.  The result will be an addition of space for over 5 thousand servers and an expansion to about 200 data centers worldwide, including sites in Australia and the UK.  While “the cloud” gets a lot of play … Continue reading What Verizon’s Datacenter Spending Portends

What’s the Best Broadband Technology?

The economics, and opportunities, associated with broadband deployment have always been complicated. It’s been almost 20 years since I started using “demand density”, a measure of economic value that could be “passed” by a mile of broadband infrastructure and available to be hooked up and monetized. Since then, I’ve seen the maturing broadband market changing … Continue reading What’s the Best Broadband Technology?

Why Operators Need Federation (and Why it May Be Too Late)

Mobile services rule, that’s a fact of life for the operators. For decades, they’ve been more profitable than wireline services, and increasingly they’re being used to make customer relationships sticky, pulling through wireline broadband in a competitive market. Comcast, for example, has long had an MVNO relationship with Verizon and uses its mobile offerings to … Continue reading Why Operators Need Federation (and Why it May Be Too Late)

Private 5G: Now Dead or Never Alive?

It’s already getting hard to find positive things being said about 5G, and candidly most of the negativity is well-deserved. Hype doesn’t conquer all; although it does produce more interesting stories, reality eventually impinges. At any rate, Light Reading offered another round in the 5G downside fight, with the story on how the shine is … Continue reading Private 5G: Now Dead or Never Alive?

Cloud Native, 5G, and The Real Relationship

What could be better, after talking about the pitfalls of cloud-native development, to talk about how cloud-native and 5G are locked in a deadly hype embrace? There are a couple of stories to reference; one that says the 5G emperor has no clothes, and a second that asks whether 5G can really offer an alternative … Continue reading Cloud Native, 5G, and The Real Relationship

What’s Happening to Business Network Services?

There may be subtle signs of problems in earnings reports, and I think that’s the case with those of Verizon and AT&T for the 4th calendar quarter of 2022. I covered the reports broadly in our first TechsRay podcast, but one specific point needs a bit more development, and that’s the business services trend both … Continue reading What’s Happening to Business Network Services?

Orange is Working Hard to Transform Profits, but Will it Work?

I doubt that there are many who believe things are coming up roses for the network operators globally. The challenges with declining profit per bit have been recounted by just about everyone, including operators themselves. Wall Street is getting antsy regarding the sector, and a growing number of analysts are expecting some major changes. Like … Continue reading Orange is Working Hard to Transform Profits, but Will it Work?

Why are Operators Forecasting a Capex Crunch, and What Could be Done?

It’s tempting to attribute the growing interest in capex reduction among network operators to the current economic malaise. The problem is that the push to buy less gear, or at least spend less on it, has been around for well over a decade. The recent interest in capex plans by AT&T and Verizon, then, are … Continue reading Why are Operators Forecasting a Capex Crunch, and What Could be Done?

Should Regulators Allow Telcos to Buy Each Other Up?

Most everyone in the networking industry has heard about the efforts by some European operators to get the EU to approve a plan that would require big tech to contribute to the cost of Internet infrastructure. I blogged about this earlier this week, in fact. Fewer know about another EU question, which is consolidation in … Continue reading Should Regulators Allow Telcos to Buy Each Other Up?