New Battle Lines Emerge at the Edge

We may be seeing some clarity in the edge space, arising perhaps surprisingly from some increased confusion.  There are more players emerging, more theories promulgating, and more value propositions being tested, to be sure.  What’s interesting is that some trends are emerging. The biggest question in edge computing is just who has the edge, so … Continue reading New Battle Lines Emerge at the Edge

Changing Broadband Tastes and the Digital Divide

Our taste for broadband is changing, or to be more precise, our taste for what we use it for is changing.  This is particularly true when you broaden the topic to our consumption of “wireline” services.  Things like channelized TV, once the mainstay of wireline services, are being dropped by customers.  Operators are looking at … Continue reading Changing Broadband Tastes and the Digital Divide

A Deeper Dive into COVID-19s Impact on Networking

I blogged yesterday about the general impact scenarios for COVID-19.  Today I want to look at some more network-specific points, in particular the general impact on network capacity and the capex response and the impact on 5G planning.  It’s easy to say that network operators, faced with significant traffic growth, will respond with massive capital … Continue reading A Deeper Dive into COVID-19s Impact on Networking

Can AT&T Navigate its New Content-Centric Path?

Barron’s ran an interesting interview with ATT heir-apparent John Stankey, now CEO of WarnerMedia, and it offers some views on how streaming and 5G might transform the telco space.  I think these same factors will influence the direction of cable companies, and of course will then pull through influence on the vendor space.  We have … Continue reading Can AT&T Navigate its New Content-Centric Path?

Would 5G and Edge Computing Really Launch AR?

What is common to all dreams?  The answer is “dreamers”, and that’s what seems to be dominating the whole 5G, edge, and augmented reality space.  Light Reading’s piece on the subject yesterday talks about how network giants Verizon and AT&T are “hoping” that 5G and edge computing will save augmented reality (AR).  “Hoping” and “dreaming” … Continue reading Would 5G and Edge Computing Really Launch AR?

5G Fixed Wireless and the Telco/Cableco Wars

When the real broadband wars started in the last decade, cable companies had a major advantage over the telcos.  Cable infrastructure is based on CATV cable, which has a potential capacity of over 10 Gbps over a significant distance, while operators were stuck with twisted-pair DSL model that was taxed to deliver 25 Mbps over … Continue reading 5G Fixed Wireless and the Telco/Cableco Wars